Charged for a DUI in 2020 — Name Cleared Of This False Accusation

Ashish Darji
5 min readDec 21, 2021

Disclosure of the truth. There can be no justice without truth.

Aug 7/2020 — Over Worked Myself To Death | Crashed My In-Place Rental | Zelantra

From my notes on my iPhone

Over tired & Over worked. NO SLEEP!

I fell asleep at the wheel.. and crashed on the highway. I’m a student & artist & entrepreneur. I had been working on my applications for my Masters/Phd & my web applications/songs/raps/poetry/books as a part of my company, Lucid Labs. Lots of work. So, I was just on my way home that night, August 7th 2020, to get my laptop that I left at my parents’ place. I crashed on the 417. 2AM. Slept at the wheel & I nodded off for half a second & BANG!! I’m not sure how long I was out for. I regained consciousness & I drove the car a bit more, however, there was a scraping noise under the engine. I didn’t get out of the car to check what it was.. I was in shock of what just happened! My mind and body disoriented. I’m usually an amazing driver. I saw the cops coming up right behind me so I stopped on the left side of the road, I could not stop on the right hand side since the car broke down. I had called my parents to come help and whatever friends that were in the city. Only my parents stopped by. They stopped in the middle of the highway for me.. that’s love. However, the cops told them they can’t stop in the middle and made them leave.

Over-tired / over working does not qualify as impaired driving. License suspended for 90 days over an assumption that I was impaired, when I was not, I was just in complete shock after crashing on the highway.

Why would you take me to a juvenile detention centre after checking my ID and knowing my age…

Here are the charges I’m facing:

CC 320.15 (1) Everyone commits an offence who, knowing that a demand has been made, fails or refuses to comply, without reasonable excuse, with a demand made.

I did not know at the time that any demand was made. I’m not sure what they are referring to with this.

Since I did not know my rights at the time, I complied.. & they illegally took me to the cop station without any prior testing or charging me, they did not tell me they were charging me & still took me to the station. They repeatedly told me to stay in the car even while my parents drove by. At the cop station, they harassed me and searched and over searched me multiple times, when clearly I was not a threat. I was sober. I was TIRED. OVER TIRED & in shock from the accident I had gotten into. On the verge of sleep, the point you hit when you are just barely awake and about to sleep. And they still harassed me. Verbal, mental, emotional, and financial stress resulted. I was placed in a 4x4 room (I’m 29) and then they moved me to a jail cell for the night. They took my photograph & fingerprints (I was not told why I was there or why they were doing any of that, they just asked me to ‘shuttup’ and sit quietly). I was angry, they told me one thing in the cop car going to the station and completely did another thing at the station.

CC 320.14 (1) Everyone commits an offence who

(a) operates a conveyance while the person’s ability to operate it is impaired to any degree by alcohol or a drug or by a combination of alcohol and a drug.

I was not impaired or under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. I was going to record the events on my cell phone, however, they illegally snatched & took my phone from me and did not give it back until after I was released from the station. It may say that I was going eastbound on the sheet, however, I was going westbound. Cop must have inputted the wrong direction, he was not from in the city & it was late.

No breathalyzer test or BAC testing occurred at the scene or even at the station. They never even asked me to take the test. There was no refusal of it.. they might have just put refusal because it was 2AM and wanted to get back to the station so the other cops could handle it. I was angry and tired. Only an eye coordination test occurred (I was extremely tired). They did not do a clinical indicators examinations. Did not do a dark room examination of pupil size, muscle tone examinations, or any toxicology (I just found out what a DRE evaluates on the rcmp website, so I’m quoting it here…). They did not tell me why they were doing that eye test in the first place, and still placed me in the jail cell. Now that I write this, they probably thought I was high. I was in complete shock of the accident I had JUST been in, on the highway. Going 100km/h & the worst crash of my existence happens out of nowhere.

(You can check the cameras if want from at the station, check the audio as well … I just wanted to know WHY I was there and they were not telling me)

I was over-worked, parents on my ass, going to go get my laptop from the west end, and I fall asleep at the wheel. The car was intact and was running for a few 100m before it completely died. The cops harassed me (the way in which they spoke to me, they spoke down to me) about where I’m headed and I have had just been working; again, I was over working. Fell asleep. Crashed. A Wrongful license suspension, before the hearing even took place & before the charges were in place.

My trial is on March 17 / 18, 2022.

In conclusion:

The police failed to do a breathalyzer or a blood test to check for alcohol or any drugs.

This charge would look bad on any future jobs or schools that I may apply to. I can’t have it on my record especially when I did not do anything wrong, when I am innocent and just fell asleep from overworking that one night…

I’m angry. I CAN’T GO TO JAIL! I’ve lost many critical clients and opportunities for work due to this wrongful license suspension & charges on my name. Are they here to bring truth to justice or put innocent people behind bars (even if it was for 1 night) & ruin their names?!

Gandhi lead my people to freedom and broke free from over 300 years of slavery to not be treated like this!

Disclosure of the truth. There can be no justice without truth.


My name was cleared in the summer of 2022, 2 years after the accident that had occurred!




Ashish Darji

Ashish Darji peripherally internal | BSc Honours Double Major Biochemistry & Computer Science. Brahminmaxin’ out.